CarDVDMart is online consumer electronics retailer; we have a wide selection of consumer electronics like Mobile phones, watch phones, mp3 players, mp4 players, mp3 watch, mp4 watches, digital cameras, car DVD players,car video players,car GPS,in car dvd players, Tablet PC, Android Tablet PC, Android Pad,Windows 7 tablet PC,Slate Tablet PC,LED grow light,LED light,UFO LED Grow Light, Video Glasses, Digital Video glasses and security equipments. All items are quality controlled in-house by our experienced QC team
Our Tablet PC have below products -Android Tablet PC in 7inch,8 inch & 10 inch. Android tablet PC are in restive and capacitive multi-touch screen arrangement. All android tablet PC in our store are now android 2.1 or above.
Windows 7 tablet PC in 7" & 10" screen in size. Slate Tablets are in restive and capacitive multi-touch screen arrangement.
Windows 7 Tablet PC are compatible with windows XP also
Our Video Glasses are in range of 3D Digital video glasses & normal video glasses
Our LED Grow light are in 90W,120W,300W,600W
LED grow lights are produced from 2W LED bulb or 1W LED bulbs
LED grow light or greenhouse light are only for indoor use only.
Our grow light come as very special LED ratio for plant growing & Flower blooms.
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